Kuo, F.E. & W.C. Sullivan, 2001, Environment and crime in the inner city: does vegetation reduce crime?, in: Environment and Behavior, , 4
- Author : Kuo, F.E. & W.C. Sullivan
- Year : 2001
- Journal/Series : Environment and Behavior
- Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : 4
- Pages : 343-366
- Abstract in English : This study suggests that residents in greener surroundings report lower levels of crime: “the greener a building’s surroundings were, the fewer crimes reported.” This corresponds with other studies that indicate a lower lever of fear, fewer incivilities, and less aggressive and violent behaviour.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: environmental psychology, safety, trees. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.