Environmental philosophy

Belshaw, C., 2001, Environmental philosophy, Acumen, Chesham

  • Author : Belshaw, C.
  • Year : 2001
  • Publisher : Acumen
  • Publisher's Location : Chesham
  • ISBN : 1-902683-21-8
  • Pages : 322
  • Abstract : This introduction to the philosophy of the environment examines current debates on how we should think about the natural world and our place within it. The book begins by considering the nature, extent and origin of the environmental problems with which we need to be concerned. Chapters then go on to consider certain familiar strategies for dealing with the environmental problems, including democratic and market-oriented approaches, as well as rights-based and virtue-centred moral theories. It focus too on the key questions of what sort of things are of direct moral concern and examine, in turn, animals, non-sentient life forms, natural but non-living things and deep ecology. The final part of the book investigates notions of value, natural beauty and the place of human beings in the scheme of things.
  • Comments : KEYWORDS: ecology, environment, philosophy, deep ecology, well-being, value, religion, landscape, beauty. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education