Environmental psychology

Gifford, R., 1996, Environmental psychology, Ally and Bacon, Boston London Sydney Toronto

  • Author : Gifford, R.
  • Year : 1996
  • Title English : Environmental psychology
  • Publisher : Ally and Bacon
  • Publisher's Location : Boston London Sydney Toronto
  • ISBN : 978-0205189410
  • Pages : 504
  • Edition : 2
  • Outline : A comprehensive and authoritative overview of environmental psychology, covering fundamental processes such as environmental perception and spatial cognition, social-environmental processes such as privacy and crowding, setting-oriented chapters on residences, education, and the workplace, the psychology of nature and natural resourcement management, and social design, and the social science contribution to architectural design. Over 3000 references in 15 chapters, with an Epilog, extensive name and subject indexes, and an Appendix on organizations, graduate school, and websites