Schütt, P., H.J. Schuck, G. Aas & U. Lang, 1994, Enzyklopädie der Holzgewächse, Ecomed, Landsberg am Lech
- Author : Schütt, P., H.J. Schuck, G. Aas & U. Lang
- Year : 1994
- Title English : Encyclopaedia of woody plant
- Publisher : Ecomed
- Publisher's Location : Landsberg am Lech
- ISBN : ISBN 3-609-72030-1
- Pages : 0
- Abstract : The volumes contain an overview of trees and shrubs from Europe and other continents. Every species is described comprehensively, illustrated by pictures and drawings, and provided with detailed list of literature. KEYWORDS: trees, shrubs, ornamental woody plants, exotic woody plants.
- Comments : KEYWORDS: trees, shrubs, ornamental woody plants, exotic woody plants. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education. The volumes are loose leafed and are added with new supplement three or four time a year.