Estimating the value of natural open space preservation in an urban area

Croke, K., R. Fabian & G. Brenniman, 1986, Estimating the value of natural open space preservation in an urban area, in: Journal of Environmental Management, 23,

  • Author : Croke, K., R. Fabian & G. Brenniman
  • Year : 1986
  • Journal/Series : Journal of Environmental Management
  • Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 23
  • Pages : 317-324
  • Abstract in English : Optimum management of open space in urban areas requires careful estimation of all major sources of benefits, which include both use benefits and non-use or intrinsic benefits. This paper reports the results of a contingent valuation survey on the benefits of maintaining the tall-grass prairies currently protected as nature preserves in Lake County Illinois. Respondents were asked their willingness to pay to avoid 50% and 100% commercial conversion of nature preserves. Three out of four respondents indicated that non-use values motivated their bids for nature-preserve maintenance. Two-thirds of the dollar values expressed by respondents were based on intrinsic values.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: nature conservation, value of nature, benefits of nature, recreation, assessment, urban land use. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research