Objectives of Project: Urban cultural profiles exchange project

Project Timetable: 2003 -2005

Structure/Organisation of Project: The Urban Cultural Profiles Exchange project is a thematic network aiming at developing new optimised cultural management tools as well as at creating a long-lasting forum where cities can develop and exchange best practices, ideas on future plans, policies and scenarios.

Four main objectives were set for the implementation of the project EUROCULT 21 which will each be dealt with in different stages of our methodology:
-To promote discussion, identify challenges, exchange best practices and diffuse knowledge concerning the current role of culture in urban governance, from city objectives (policy making and programmes) to the methodologies (strategic planning or public-private partnerships);
-To identify new research and funding needs on urban cultural policy in the years to come;
-To formulate innovative cultural strategies in collaboration with other European cities and University centres;
-To prepare a clear set of recommendations on cultural policy to the European institutions and Members States. After the thematic network period, cities and academics will maintain this reflection and progress dynamics: urban societies are continuously on the move so that urban cultural policies need to be monitored and up-dated. The project participants will pass from the status of suppliers to the status of users of the project results.

Members of the Project Team: EUROCITIES ASBL
Square de Meeus 18

Contact Person:
Name: PARMENTIER, Catherine (Ms)
Tel: +32-2-5520888


  • Project start : 0000
  • Project end : 0000