- Area : 0,369
- GPS X : 16.392651900000033000
- GPS Y : 48.191669000000000000
- Implementation end : 2012
- Website : http://www.idealice.com/oeffentliche_raeume/index.php?catId=3&pageId=96
- Project Status : Completed Project
- Ownership : Select Ownership...
- Accessibility : Select Accessability...
- Brief Description : The outdoor of the Eurogate housing complex comprise a range of spaces that are open to a wide variety of uses and provide different levels of privacy. Spacious public thoroughfare and park zones, differentiated communal spaces, and private areas fulfil the various needs of the residents (Lička, L.; Grimm, K. (Hg.) (2015): nextland Zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur in Österreich. Birkhäuser, Basel, A44).
- Designer : idealice
- Location : Austria, Wien, lat : 48.191669000000000000 - lng : 16.392651900000033000 address : Aspangstraße 2, 1030 Wien, Austria
- Project Name : Original : Eurogate Housing Complex
- Type : Residential homes, Residential homes