European heritage planning and management

Ashworth, G. & P. Howard, 1999, European heritage planning and management, Intellect TM, Exeter

  • Author : Ashworth, G. & P. Howard
  • Year : 1999
  • Publisher : Intellect TM
  • Publisher's Location : Exeter
  • ISBN : 978-1841500058
  • Pages : 158
  • Outline : 1: This work focuses not only upon country-by-country descriptions but upon the common definitions, themes, problems and policies filtering across Europe. It covers the nature and scope of heritage, the relationship of heritage to history and culture, and the political and social use of heritage. 2. On the nature and scope of Heritage, its relationship to history and culture, and its political, social and economic uses in contemporary society. Focusing not upon country-by-country descriptions, but common definitions, themes, problems and policies throughout Europe, the book presents a broad and integrated view of the many different aspects of Heritage. Designed for use as a fully comprehensive postgraduate coursebook, its new approach will also provide interest for practitioners both within and outside the European boundary. (BolCom). -- 3.This work focuses not only upon country-by-country descriptions but upon the common definitions, themes, problems and policies filtering across Europe. It covers the nature and scope of heritage, the relationship of heritage to history and culture, and the political and social use of heritage. On the nature and scope of Heritage, its relationship to history and culture, and its political, social and economic uses in contemporary society. Focusing not upon country-by-country descriptions, but common definitions, themes, problems and policies throughout Europe, the book presents a broad and integrated view of the many different aspects of Heritage. Designed for use as a fully comprehensive postgraduate coursebook, its new approach will also provide interest for practitioners both within and outside the European boundary.