Trimalniece A. Festival Park in Rezekne: Diploma project. – Jelgava, LLU, Faculty of rural area engineers, Department of Architecture and Building. – 2009. – 110. page.
There is described Rezekne city territory and the green structure of it in this Diploma project, as well has been analyzed current publicly accessible green territories utilized capacity and nature base territories perspective development. There have been offered solutions for ascertained problems.
There also has been particularly examined and done landscape and functional analyze of Festival park, has made development conception of Festival park and its tight territories to improve visual image of the city and to work up recreation possibilities in the central part of the city.
Has reconstructed and landscaped park territory with small architectural forms, changed location of open air stage and has made new structure of greeneries. Has also particularly made utility’s and greeneries plans for children playground with wind bells and for quiet rest territory. Has made most characteristic unwinds and cuts.
The contents of the diploma project: interpretation article on75 pages, 3 tables, 48 pictures and graphical part on 4.5 A0 pages.

- English Title : Festival Park in Rēzekne
- University : Latvia University of Agriculture, LV
- Project was done for Course Unit : Diplomprojekts ( Diploma project )
- Coordinates - Longitude: : 0.000000000000000000
- Coordinates - Latitude: : 0.000000000000000000
- Academic Year : 2007 / 08
- City : Jelgava
- Project Language : English
- Location of project : Latvia
- Image Title : Festival Park in Rezekne