Flächenkreislaufwirtschaft in Theorie und Praxis

Birli Barbara, Prokop Gundula, 2012, Flächenkreislaufwirtschaft in Theorie und Praxis, in: Wilhelm Graiss, ‘Nachhaltiges Flächenmanagement von Industrie- und Gewerbebrachen’, LFZ Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Irdning

  • Author : Birli Barbara, Prokop Gundula
  • Year : 2012
  • English Title : Circular Flow Land Use Managment in Theory and Practice
  • Published in Book : Nachhaltiges Flächenmanagement von Industrie- und Gewerbebrachen
  • Pages : 3-6
  • Abstract in English : Circular Flow Land Use Management (CircUse) represents an integrative policy and governance approach which presupposes a changed land use philosophy with regard to land utilisation. In the CircUse project the Environment Agency Austria and the Telepark Baernbach are working jointly on the implementation of the CircUse method in the Austrian pilot region Voitsberg. Voitsberg is a shrinking region, a trend driven by the decreasing number of inhabitants as a consequence of the break-down of the former coal mining and glass industry. There is, however, still considerable land consumption taking place. Activities to prevent further land take in the region include land use analysis, brownfield mapping and awareness raising. As of September 2012 a newly founded land management agency will be in charge of directing sustainable land use for the entire pilot region. The key objectives of the agency are to conserve natural and soil resources, promote brownfield recycling, monitor land take, organise awareness raising workshops and events for all relevant stakeholder groups and develop new innovative reuse projects.
  • Comments/Notes : http://www.raumberg-gumpenstein.at/c/index.php?option=com_docman&Itemid=100139&task=doc_download&gid=5170&lang=de