Floating Delights

The project “Art, Cities
and Landscape” is part of a global objective of social cohesion and
cultural identity reinforcement in the cross-border area. It was
selected as part of the ERDF co-funded INTERREG IVA France (Channel) –
England programme.
The partners, the
Maison de la Culture of Amiens and the Borough Council of King’s Lynn
and West Norfolk, try out common solutions to promote their natural,
historic and man-made treasures via contemporary artistic creation, and
more precisely by landscape, architectural and visual works.
This project specifically addresses to youngpeople,
especially young artists who are graduates and young persons in social
difficulty. It is developed in link with the local population in order
to allow the inhabitants to reclaim their heritage and to contribute to
the enhancement of their living environment. The project will also
contribute to increase tourist attractiveness on both sites, while
questioning the tenability and possibilities of sustainable territory

  • Area : Hortillonnages
  • GPS X : 2.336906790733337400
  • GPS Y : 49.893176054513525000
  • Implementation start : 2013
  • Implementation end : 2013
  • Context : In 2010, the Maison de la Culture of Amiens initiated a festival of
    landscape creations and visual artworks installations in situ in the
    hortillonages of Amiens. This new experience allowed it to add in situ
    creation activity to its production activity, and to acquire technical
    skills in terms of territory analysis, natural spaces (fauna, flora)
    protection rules, but also in terms of social cohesion by involving the
    population of the hortillonages into the development of its activities.
    The Maison de la Culture was also in charge for the first time of a
    social and professional integration project aiming at the acquisition by
    the beneficiaries of technical competences related to gardening and
    performing arts. The project also enabled the Maison de la Culture to
    become part of new networks: artistic and professional ones (landscape,
    architecture and design schools, meeting of professional local, national
    and international landscapists, architects and visual artists,
    specialized press), logistical ones (equipment, road, rail and
    waterways, green spaces and water commissions of Amiens), social ones
    (mission locales – helping young people finding training courses or
    jobs, town policy departments at the level of the prefecture, officials
    in the European Social Fund).
  • Website : http://www.artvillespaysage.com/socialinclusionproject_gallery_details.php?id=98
  • Project Status : Completed Project
  • Client : Maison de la Culture d'Amiens
  • Ownership : Public
  • Accessibility : Unrestricted areas
  • Project Team : Sarah Foque, Oli Kiddle, Jan Roth, Mark Whillans, Michael Onsi
  • Brief Description : This
    project came about in response
    to the competition brief for the 2013 Hortillonnages Art, Ville et Paysage
    Garden Festival in Amiens, France. Through this festival, the Maison de la Culture de Amiens aims to re-define the
    Hortillonnages. The Hortillonnages comprises
    a series of man-made islands situated within the flooding area of the
    Somme. These islands were originally created for the production of food, but
    due to the evolution of agriculture in the last century they have fallen into
    disrepair. Through the Art, Ville et Paysage project the MCA aims to engage
    young artists and designers to come up with new sustainable uses for these
    islands and assist in their conservation.

    My submission, Floating Delights, responded to the brief on 3 levels. Firstly
    it aimed to protect the island against erosion by using native planting. The
    native planting areas will reinforce the banks of the island with their roots
    and provide a habitat for the local wildlife.

    Secondly, active local community engagement was
    encouraged through the process of building the garden in order to help
    progress the conservation of the Hortillonnages: the key building material, plastic bottles,has been collected
    from the local community. It also
    facilitated the promotion of the Hortillonnages, as collection points were
    dotted around Amiens.

    Lastly, this project devised a new type
    of agriculture more attuned to its environment and made use of waste as
    a building material. The garden consists of a pond with floating planters within
    it: these planters gain their buoyancy from the plastic bottles collected from
    the local community. They are planted with edible aquatic and marshland plants
    that draw their nutrients from the water, simultaneously providing food while
    also purifying the water. The planters can be reeled in through a pulley system
    so the plants can be harvested.

    The garden festival runs from the 15th of June till the 13th of October.
  • Designer : Sarah Foque
  • Location : France, Camon, lat : 49.893176054513525000 - lng : 2.336906790733337400 address : 37 Rue Roger Allou, 80450 Camon, France
  • Project Name : Original : Floating Delights
  • Type : Gardenshows