Flowing for the future: Reedy river master plan

Yilmaz, U., 2005, Flowing for the future: Reedy river master plan, in: ECLAS (D. Oguz), ‘Landscape change’, Department of Landscape Architecture, Faculty of Agriculture Ankara University, Ankara

  • Author : Yilmaz, U.
  • Year : 2005
  • Published in Book : Landscape change
  • Pages : 289-293
  • Abstract in English : This paper will address the complexity of a participatory planning and design process for the historic and environmentally sensitive 25-kilometer stretch of a river corridor that traverses the town center, residential, recreational, industrial and rural areas in two different jurisdictions, the City and County of Greenville, South Carolina. The Reedy River historically has been an integral element for agriculture, industry, and recreation. However, due to heavy pressures from industrial growth coupled with environmental insensitivity, it became an industrial discharge area by 1950s. Since then, the river has been the focus of increased attention and rehabilitation efforts by a number of entities ranging from the city and county governments, the business community, non-profit groups, and citizens. Recognizing that an objective approach was critical in resolving the debate on the future use of the river corridor, the City and County of Greenville brought in Clemson University as a consultant to develop a master plan through interdisciplinary team work and student involvement. The paper will present a critical assessment of the planning and design methodology of the Reedy River master plan; explain the lessons learned from the challenges which resulted from the complexity of the project; the clients’ differing objectives, regulations and programs; and discuss the master plan’s benefits to the community, local governments, and academia.