Dee, C., 2001, Form and fabric in landscape architecture, Spon Press, UK
- Author : Dee, C.
- Year : 2001
- Title English : Form and fabric in landscape architecture
- Publisher : Spon Press
- Publisher's Location : UK
- ISBN : 978-0415246385
- Pages : 208
- Comments : Review This book is one of those that should not be judged at face value. To my knowledge there are no other books quite like it -- quite a daunting fact at the start. But stick with it, because the formulas used to structure the book is a real winner...In summary, when reading this book -- and read it you definitely should -- make sure you do not have an appointment to keep. This book will make you feel obliged to read on, just to check if there is an ingredient of landscape design to which you have so far been oblivious. –Martin Hird, Landscape Design 308,, March 2002
- Outline : Product Description -- Using a highly illustrated analysis, the book identifies a structure for understanding landscapes, their use and perception, and for guiding the design activity which is such a fundamental part of the discipline. Landscape architecture is a visual subject and the book is illustrated with the author's own drawings; explanatory text will accompanies the illustrations and there is a full introduction to the book and each section.