Eyres, P., 2000, Gardens of desire, New Arcadian Press, Leeds
- Author : Eyres, P.
- Year : 2000
- Publisher : New Arcadian Press
- Publisher's Location : Leeds
- Pages : 118
- Abstract : Contents. Wheeler, R.: “pro magna charta” or “fay ce que voudras”: political and moral precedents for the gardens of sir Francis Dashwood at West Wycombe. Frith, W.: When Frankie met Johnny: sexuality and politics in the gardens at West Wycombe and Medmenham Abbey. Naylor, A. upgrading erections: conservation of the statuary at west Wycombe and the reclamation of Georgian lead sculpture
- Comments : New Arcadian Journal. 49/50. 1-118. [ISSN 0262-558x].KEYWORDS: landscape architecture, gardens, sex, potitics, history, garden history.