Gids voor Nederlandse Tuin & Landschapsarchitectuur

Oldenburger-Ebbers, C.S., A.M. Backer & R. Blok, 1996, Gids voor Nederlandse Tuin & Landschapsarchitectuur, De Hef, Rotterdam

  • Author : Oldenburger-Ebbers, C.S., A.M. Backer & R. Blok
  • Year : 1996
  • Title English : Guide to Dutch garden and landscape architecture
  • Publisher : De Hef
  • Publisher's Location : Rotterdam
  • ISBN : 9069060221
  • Pages : 338
  • Abstract : this visitor’s guide/encyclopaedia provides an overview of most of the gardens and parks in the central provinces of the Netherlands. For every park historic and particular features are given. The volume contains many photographs and schemes.
  • Comments : KEYWORDS: gardens, parks, landscape design, landscape architecture, history.