a) To support and strengthen policies and strategies, as well as the
approaches that safeguard the interlinked ecological network with a
special focus on non-legally or low protected ecologically valuable
areas in the Central European Green Belt.
b) To further enhance nature protection in 5 Greennet pilot areas in the Central European Green Belt.
c) To apply local and regional tools, instruments and strategies to
enhance nature protection, civic participation and public awareness.
enhance nature protection, civic participation and public awareness.
d) To develop and implement a joint transnational strategy for
management and securing low or non-protected areas in the Central
European Green Belt.
management and securing low or non-protected areas in the Central
European Green Belt.
e) To contribute to the coherence of the Natura 2000 network by the closing the gaps between protected areas.
f) To conserve the important natural and cultural heritage.
- Website : http:///greennet-project.eu
- Project start : 2011
- Project end : 2014
- Contact Person : ilke.marschall@fh-erfurt.de;
- Funding Agency : Central Europa (INTERREG IVb)
- Project Partners : Association for Rural Development Thuringia; University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austrian League for Nature Conservation Lower Austria (Naturschutzbund NÖ); Regional Management Burgenland GmbH; University of Applied Sciences Erfurt, Germany; BUND-Project Office Green Belt (Friends of the Earth/FoE Germany); Ametyst ? Environmental Protection Association; C.E.T.A. - Centre for Theoretical and Applied Ecology; Regional Environmental Center Slovakia; Nature Park Goricko, Public Institute
- Project structure : The main and overarching objective of the GREENNET project is to support
and strengthen policies, strategies and approaches to safeguard an
interlinked ecological network with a special focus on non-legally or
low protected ecologically valuable areas in the Central European Green
Belt. Greennet addresses the use and protection of environmental
potentials by promoting innovative and sustainable approaches enhancing
natural environment in the Central European Green Belt. The Green Belt
also consists of a large amount of intermediate areas without any
particular protection status, yet they will play an integral role in the
creation of an interconnected transnational ecological network.
Accordingly, these areas with no or low protection status need to be
included in strategies and concepts. As the Green Belt contains a
diverse range of cultural and natural heritages it means Greennet offers
the unique chance to simultaneously conserve not only natural heritage,
but also cultural heritage. Both of which are of high European value.
- Location : Italy, , lat : 46.362093012049850000 - lng : 13.403320312500000000 address : Via A. Ottaviano, 33010 Chiusaforte, Province of Udine, Italy; Austria, Sankt Nikolai ob Draßling, lat : 46.785016042692540000 - lng : 15.666503906250000000 address : Moder Weg, 8422 Sankt Nikolai ob Draßling, Austria; Slovakia, Lozorno, lat : 48.327039130634760000 - lng : 17.072753906250000000 address : Karpatská, 90055 Lozorno, Slovakia; Czech Republic, Lesná, lat : 49.738681639280024000 - lng : 12.480468750000000000 address : Lesná 7, 347 01 Lesná, Czech Republic; Germany, Erbenhausen, lat : 50.569282865582400000 - lng : 10.107421875000000000 address : L1123, Thüringische Rhön, 98634 Erbenhausen, Germany; Czech Republic, Kamenice nad Lipou, lat : 49.325121991040010000 - lng : 15.073242187500000000 address : 12819, 394 70 Kamenice nad Lipou, Czech Republic