Taylor, A.F., A. Wiley, F.E. Kuo & W.C. Sullivan, 1998, Growing up in the inner city, green spaces as places to grow, in: Environment and Behavior, , 6
- Author : Taylor, A.F., A. Wiley, F.E. Kuo & W.C. Sullivan
- Year : 1998
- Journal/Series : Environment and Behavior
- Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : 6
- Pages : 3-27
- Abstract in English : Children growing up in the inner city are at risk for a range of negative development outcomes. In relatively desolated spaces, levels of play and access to adults were approximately half as much as those found in spaces with more trees an grass, and the incidence of creative play was significantly lower in barren spaces than in relatively green spaces. Most neighbourhoods are less hospitable for play than in the past, and that as both parents work outside the home and cannot chauffeur children to organized play events or parks, children are trapped indoors with Nitendo or television. All children could benefit from nearby outdoor spaces that are attractive and supportive of developmentally important behaviours.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: children playing, children’s’ development, trees, well-being, societal significance. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.