Neumann, K., 2004, Grüne Dächer als Herausforderung für die Zukunft, International Green roof Association
- Author : Neumann, K.
- Year : 2004
- Title English : Green roofs: challenges to future
- Pages : 89-100
- Publisher : International Green roof Association
- Abstract in English : The development of The European cities and green roof concept is strongly connected with the basic cycles of economic development the so-called “Kondratieff”schen Waves”. Consequently, the next years will bring fundamental changes in many sectors of urban development ant this will also affect products like urban green and green roofs. There will be shift from compulsive” supply strategies” towards more voluntary and eventful concepts. The change in paradigm that will take place especially within European green trade is confronted by the duties of the local authorities with regards to the conservation of resources and the quantitative supply of green areas. Whether in European cities, American mega cities or Asian development areas, green roofs will become a very important component of the green trade, this is due to the various ecological advantages of green roofs (soil, water, climate, flora, fauna) that help to protect the urban environment. In Addition green roofs can contribute to a qualitative increase of image and preserve or improve the value of the current living and working standards.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWOIRDS: green roofs, development, urban ecology, urban planning.