Hospital wildlife gardens

Hartridge, P., 1987, Hospital wildlife gardens, in: Professional Horticulture, 3,

  • Author : Hartridge, P.
  • Year : 1987
  • Journal/Series : Professional Horticulture
  • Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 3
  • Pages : 51-55
  • Abstract in English : The idea that gardens refresg the spirit is not a new one, and hospital wildlife gardens are just an extension of that idea. The view, increasingly held, that illness should be approached in a more holistic way encourage the use of means additional to conventional medicine to improve the quality of life and help the body to heal itself. Examples of hospital wildlefe gardens are given. KEYWORDS: hospitals, hospital gardens health, wildlife, gardens.
  • Comments/Notes : . KEYWORDS: hospitals, hospital gardens health, wildlife, gardens. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, students of universities of professional education.