Nasar, J.L. & B. Fisher, 1993, Hot spots of fear and crime: a multimethod investigation, in: Journal of Environmental Psychology, 13,
- Author : Nasar, J.L. & B. Fisher
- Year : 1993
- Journal/Series : Journal of Environmental Psychology
- Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 13
- Pages : 187-206
- Abstract in English : People may feel unsafe, even in familiar areas. Although the subjective feeling of fear may not accurately reflect actual crime, it has significant harmful effects on individuals and communities. Areas and situations having a concentration of crime or fear (whether or not criminal incidents have occurred) have been called ‘hot spots’. This article is dealing with perceived danger, or hot spots of fear at the micro-scale, and at the relationship between feared features and opportunities for crime. It outlines cues at the macro level that may create a climate of crime, and focuses on a set of micro-levels cues. It is suggest that the proximate feature of concealment, blocked prospect and escape should heighten fear of crime.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: environmental psychology, safety, quality, planting design, landscape design. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.