Madanipour, A., 2001, How relevant is ‘planning by neighbourhoods” today?, in: The Town Planning Review, 72, 2
- Author : Madanipour, A.
- Year : 2001
- Title English : How relevant is 'planning by neighbourhoods" today?
- Journal/Series : The Town Planning Review
- Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : 2
- Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 72
- Pages : 171-191
- Abstract in English : This paper sets out to find out the reasons for planning by neighbourhoods (to create communities through a new organisation of space) and asks whether it is relevant today. It aims at contributing to an awareness of the notion of planning by neighbourhoods through examining the current trend, its historic predecessors and some of the broad contexts in which it is embedded. The main questions here are: How relevant is planning by neighbourhoods today and why. Why doe the notion of promoting communities, though social change and spatial transformation keep coming back to the agenda of those who are engaged in understanding, shaping and managing cities and urban societies? What are the political, economical and environmental parameters that lie at the foundation of such return?
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: neighbourhoods, communities, social relationships, societal significance, social integration, societal significance.