Human ecology and its applications

Lawrence, R.J., 2003, Human ecology and its applications, in: Landscape and Urban Planning, 65,

  • Author : Lawrence, R.J.
  • Year : 2003
  • Journal/Series : Landscape and Urban Planning
  • Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 65
  • Pages : 31-40
  • Abstract in English : Ecology designates a science that deals with the interrelationships between organisms and their surroundings. Since the late 19th century the term ecology has been interpreted in numerous ways. In natural sciences, for example, botanists and zoologists often use the term general ecology to refer to the interrelations between animals, plants and their immediate surroundings. Human ecology generally refers to the study of the dynamic interrelationships between human populations and the physical biotic, cultural and social characteristics of there environment and the biosphere. Human ecology is a term that’s has been and still is characterised by a lack of consensus about what it means. This paper presents some key concepts and principles that stem from a wide range of contributions. Then it indicates in which way ecological concepts can be used to understand human settlements. People-environment relations are multidimensional and complex. No single discipline or perspective can understand and explain these relations in a comprehensive way. Therefore collaboration and co-ordination of contributions is necessary. Today the main obstacle that hinders an integrated framework is the compartmentalised disciplinary focus of scientists and professionals who do not share definitions and interpretations but adopt exclusive interpretations
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: human ecology, human settlements, social sciences