Austin, M & R. Kaplan, 2003, Identity, involvement, and expertise in the inner city: some benefits of tree-planting projects, in: Clayton, S. & S. Opotow, ‘Identity and the natural environment’, The MIT Press, Cambridge
- Author : Austin, M & R. Kaplan
- Year : 2003
- English Title : Identity, involvement, and expertise in the inner city: some benefits of tree-planting projects
- Published in Book : Identity and the natural environment
- Pages : 205-225
- Outline in English : The authors look at people involved in tree-planting programs. The context for this chapter is vacant lots in Detroit, Michigan. Tree-planting projects have transformed both these lots and the appearance of the neighborhoods. Along with these physical transformation came many other changes: citizens who engaged in community activities, people who learned from playing leadership roles , and individuals who came to have e new sense of who the are and what they can contribute. Thus tree-planting projects serve to explicate the interplay among involvement, expertise, and identity.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: community tree planting, Identity, involvement, neighbourhoods, community identity, psychotical benefits.