Impacts of Recreational Activities on Vegetation and Soil in Olimpos-Beydaglari National Park

The aim of this study is to indicate impacts of recreational activities on vegetation and soil in the case of Olimpos-Beydağları National Park in Antalya Province of Turkey. Although Olimpos-Beydağları National Park makes a great contribution to the tourism potential of the region by offering recreational activities, there is no detailed study on the impacts of recreational activities. With two methodological approaches, used and unused (control) sites by the visitors will be compared on the basis of descriptive studies assigned to each site and plot sampling. In plot samplings, information on the number of species, overall percentage of vegetation cover, plant height, relative percentage of each species and bare ground will be gathered. In soil analyses, soil attributes such as soil compaction level, soil moisture and organic matter content will be collected.

Study results are expected to indicate recreation-based impacts in Olimpos-Beydağları National Park and to provide useful ecological information to the managers of the national park, thus making a contribution to the nature conservation and landscape management.

  • Title Original : Olimpos-Beydaglari Milli Parkindaki Rekreasyonel Faaliyetlerin Bitki Ortusu ve Toprak Uzerine Etkilerinin Belirlenmesi
  • Project start : 0000
  • Project end : 2010
  • Contact Person : Meryem ATİK
  • Funding Agency : TÜBİTAK (Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institute)
  • Image Title : Impacts of recreation, Antalya
Image Title: Impacts of Recreational Activities on Vegetation and Soil in Olimpos-Beydaglari National ParkImage Title: Impacts of Recreational Activities on Vegetation and Soil in Olimpos-Beydaglari National ParkImage Title: Impacts of Recreational Activities on Vegetation and Soil in Olimpos-Beydaglari National Park