Influences of street tree systems on summer micro-climate and noise attenuation in Najing city, China

Mao, L.S., Y. Gao & W.Q. Sun, 1993, Influences of street tree systems on summer micro-climate and noise attenuation in Najing city, China, in: Arboricultural Journal, 17, 3

  • Author : Mao, L.S., Y. Gao & W.Q. Sun
  • Year : 1993
  • Journal/Series : Arboricultural Journal
  • Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : 3
  • Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 17
  • Pages : 239-251
  • Abstract in English : This article examines the influences of two street tree systems, deciduous and mixed coniferous/deciduous tree system, on the micro-climate and noise attenuation in Nanjing City, China. The four street trees used in this study represented two street tree systems and two 30m and 40m width. The height and width of green space in both systems permitted the comparisons of micro-climates and the capacity of noise attenuation. The summer micro-climates of the four street were closely associated with each of the tree systems. Compared to mixed coniferous/deciduous tree system, deciduous tree system had greater cooling capacity. However, the use of deciduous tree system physical will become difficult in the future due to the limited urban space. Since the results showed that the cooling effect largely depended on the evapotranspiration of street trees and not canopy shading, it is concluded that it would be prudent to use small to middle sized trees with strong, deep root system and high transpiration potential in urban areas, thereby compensating the loss of evapotranspiration area due to concrete replacement.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: trees, street trees, micro-climate, noise, urban ecology, evapotranspiration. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.