Sharpe, E.K. & A.W. Ewert, 2000, Interferences in place attachment: implications for wilderness, USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P15-Vol 3.
- Author : Sharpe, E.K. & A.W. Ewert
- Year : 2000
- Pages : 218-222
- Publisher : USDA Forest Service Proceedings RMRS-P15-Vol 3.
- Abstract in English : Previous research on place attachment has tended to focus on attachment formation, with relatively little attention given to factors that disrupt or interfere with formed place attachments. Interference to attachments are a worthy research area for two reasons: 1) The factors of place attachment are often more salient when being disrupted, and 2) place attachment interference often leads to great uproar, making it more salient to managers and decision- maker. Expansion of the place attachment concept that considers disruptions to attachments provides a more robust framework for examining visitor behaviour. [Original text from the article]
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: place attachment, wilderness, interference, management, recreation. [The access to this Journal is rather difficult, but is to down load via Google [Sharpe Ewert + Interferences in Place Attachment: implications for Wilderness]