An exploration of the ways in which the climate change agenda and sustainability prerogative may influence our preconceptions about the form and experience of the contemporary city. There seems to be a mismatch between the dominant concepts of ‘the urban’ and the urgency of accommodating green infrastructural elements. I am interested in the extent to which our current preconceptions constrain our responses to the climate change agenda, and equally the ways in which the increasing urgency of this prerogative may tranform our aesthetic and functional models of the city.
- Title Original : As above
- Website : http://
- Project start : 2010
- Project end : 0000
- Contact Person : Tom Jefferies, Eamonn Caniffe
- Funding Agency : The Manchester School of Architecture and Miriad
- Project Partners : Salford City Council, Manchester City Council, CURE, Bruntwood
- Project structure : Starting from the practical experience of Irwell River Park, I intend to look at a range of other case studies in the development of similar GI related projects around the world, both successful and unsuccessful and identify the frictions between these proposals and competing models of urbanity. This will be set in the context of a wide ranging literature review of current urban design theory and the way this responds or otherwise to climate change.
- Location : United Kingdom, Manchester, lat : 53.479251000000000000 - lng : -2.247926000000006800