Jameos del Agua

  • GPS X : -13.432116508483887000
  • GPS Y : 29.157408240001830000
  • Implementation start : 1960
  • Implementation end : 1987
  • Context : Caves
    formed by the flowing lava became the reason for exhibiting the relation between
    a human being and nature. The Jameos del Agua is an example of harmony, in the creation
    of which took place both nature and the artist took part.
  • Website : http://www.fcmanrique.org/
  • Project Status : Completed Project
  • Ownership : Select Ownership...
  • Accessibility : Limited public access
  • Notes : References:
    Maderuelo J., Jameos del Agua, Madrid, Fundacion Cesar Manrique 2006
    de Santa Ana M., Promesas de felicidad. w: Paisajes del placer, paisajes de la crisis, El espacio turístico canario y sus representaciones, Madrid, Fundacion Cesar Manrique 2004
  • Brief Description : The Jameos del Agua is garden located in a cave formed by flowing lava. The garden was designed by Cesar Manrique, Spanish landscape architect and artist. Severe, unpleasant
    volcanic interiors were adapted as places of relaxation. A concert hall, disco
    club, restaurant, cafes, swimming pool and hotel (later transformed into a
    volcanic museum) were planned. Multiplicity of the functions ascribed
    to the cave interior could seem to be overwhelming for its limited space. This
    however, did not happen. Manrique adjusted the cave to the tourists needs by emphasizing
    its beauty in a way which respects scientific and natural values . The
    artists intention was to underline the existing natural features of the cave.
    Materials, colour sets, plants and lighting used in the caves interior were
    designed to expose natural forms, not to compete with them. An observer could
    be surprised by plant arrangements juxtaposed with a black rock. Plants seen
    from the perspective of the cave seem to be much more intriguing than on the
    earths surface. In the Jameos del Agua a very important task was
    reference to cultural landscape. Manrique used white and black sets, which
    could be observed on the surface in the form of white architecture and black
  • Designer : Cesar Manrique
  • Location : Spain, Haría, lat : 29.157408240001830000 - lng : -13.432116508483887000 address : LZ-204, Los Jameos, 35542 Haría, Las Palmas, Spain
  • Project Name : Original : Jameos del Agua
  • Type : Museums
Image Title: Jameos del AguaImage Title: Jameos del AguaImage Title: Jameos del Agua