Kaupunkitila 2 – Utopiakaupunki

This project was realised in spring 2010 and it was the main practical work for the course Urban Space 2, obligatory for all students of architecture and landscape architecture. The idea was to design an utopian city to Vermo in the city of Espoo.

In my utopian city the city takes an organic form like happens in the nature. The cell is the basic unit of every living thing and in my futuristic city also the blocks are cells that can take any kind of form and fuse with the existing city structure or just block it outside. The cell is a living unit in which one can find everything needed, so moving around and private motoring decrease. Inside a cell-unit or a group of cells there are apartments, services, offices, places to play, have fun and relax. Between the cells form interesting public spaces. Because the water level has rised in the coast of Helsinki, the shoreline of cell city rises and leaves space for the water move freely and there are floating parks and houses. The net of green areas goes everywhere and the cars are placed under the blocks.

The cell city is a green, safe and interesting place to live.

  • English Title : Urban Space 2 - City Utopia
  • University : Aalto University School of Arts and Design, FI
  • Project was done for Course Unit : Kaupunkitila ( Urban Space )
  • Coordinates - Longitude: : 0.000000000000000000
  • Coordinates - Latitude: : 0.000000000000000000
  • Academic Year : 2009 / 10
  • City : Helsinki
  • Project Language : Finnish
  • Supervisor : Harris Trevor, prof, Ahlava Antti, assistant
  • Location of project : Finland
  • Image Title : City Utopia