Landscape architectural issues in sustainable urban development projects

Rode, P., 2004, Landscape architectural issues in sustainable urban development projects, in: ECLAS (Jørgensen, K. & G. Fry), ‘A critical light on landscape architecture’, ,

  • Author : Rode, P.
  • Year : 2004
  • Published in Book : A critical light on landscape architecture
  • Abstract in English : Sustainability is a broadly discussed topic in the urbanistic discourse. Herein the main focus of sustainability usually lies on the ecological impacts of urban development. The minimisation of the consumption of natural resources and the decrease of phenomena like urban sprawl are of vital interest. This paper highlights the contribution of landscape architectural issues to urban sustainable development projects. The structural setting of urban development projects has altered due to shrinking public households and the appearing of new actors on the field of planning. This affects landscape architectural practice as it is integral part of the projects. The article is based on the EU research project PEGASUS, which developed a method to analyze sustainable urban development projects. The method was applied in various case studies. Two of them are outlined to highlight the concrete instruments and tools applied in the projects.