Landscape development and changes, cultural landscape and landscape image as the reflexion of different land-use form

Abstract of project  goals:
-Analyse of nature and antropogene landscape elements,
-Assessment of culture landscape marks and landscape image,
-Categorisation of cultural vegetation in settlements and          agriculture landscape,
-Assessment of culture historical values of study landscape,
-Use of GIS tool for evaluation of culture culture landscape type,
-Marks for typology of culture landscape of Slovakia.

Abstract of outcomes:
   The functional categorisationof cultural vegetation and limits for their creation has been elaborated for settlements, contact city zones, for agriculture landscape and recreationaly land-use spaces. The composition-aesthetic and dendrological principles for creation of cultural vegetation was proposed. Almost 40 regional historical parks was evaluated and differend form of their renovation and utilisation was elaborated. There were defined starting marks and elaborated principal typology of cultural landscape of Slovakia. The seven basic cultural landscape of Slovakia were described. As a part of landscape image assessment the sacrale objects, panorama and dominants has been evaluated in landscape. Assessment of culture landscape has been incorporated to the methods and approaches of landscape planning and landscape design.
Within thre years research period, the 75 different category  publications were issued by research participants together, as papers and contributions in scientific journals and proccedings.

  • Title Original : Vývoj a zmeny krajiny, kultúrna krajina a jej obraz ako reflexia rôznych foriem vyu?ívania krajiny
  • Website : http://
  • Notes : The full content of reached results in this project including list of published outcoms are saved at funding agency (Ministry of Education of Slovak republic) and in database of head of project (Jan Supuka).
  • Project start : 2001
  • Project end : 2003
  • Contact Person : Jan Supuka
  • Funding Agency : VEGA, SR
  • Project Partners : Technical University in Zvolen
  • Project structure : 1. The project was full granted by Slovak Agency of Science at Ministry of Education of Slovakia,
    2. In project were participated 10 scientists and teachers  from two Universities.
    3. According to Agency rules and instructions , participants were obligate to  be published achieved results continually and documented them in final report.
  • Location : Slovakia, Nitra, lat : 48.307087900000000000 - lng : 18.093224999999960000 address : Trieda Andreja Hlinku 609/2, Slovenská Po?nohospodárska Univerzita V Nitre, 94901 Nitra-Chrenová, Slovakia
Image Title: Landscape development and changes, cultural landscape and landscape image as the reflexion of different land-use form