Nimmo, J., 2004, Landscape for Lebenstufen, in: OPENspace, ‘Open space, people space’, OPENspace, Edinburgh
- Author : Nimmo, J.
- Year : 2004
- English Title : Landscape as Life stages
- Published in Book : Open space, people space
- Abstract in English : A lebenstufen landscape is inherently inclusionary, providing spaces for members of the local human and natural community. The title is a reference to the work of Caspar David Freidrich whose evocative paintings provide us with a starting point to imagine a different approach to landscape design and management. A lebenstufen approach recognises life stages as an integral part of an individual. Lessons from the case study of the Saale River corridor in eastern Germany in Saxony-Anhalt can be applied to the development of open space and recreation design elsewhere. Within the case study area the natural backdrop sets the stage for an important description of the social life of Bernburg, demonstrating evidence of social and political change through life’s phases and the broader picture of a changing Europe. Landscape for lebenstufen may be an essential objective for designing open space areas to address the leisure and recreation needs of all members of the community.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: open space, inclusion, Saale river. [paper 6 p.]