Landscape perception as a reflection of quality of life and social exclusion in rural areas: what does it mean in an expanded Europe

Bell, S. & A. Montarzino, 2007, Landscape perception as a reflection of quality of life and social exclusion in rural areas: what does it mean in an expanded Europe, in: Ward Thompson, C. & P. Travlou, ‘Open Space People Space’, Taylor and Francis, London

  • Author : Bell, S. & A. Montarzino
  • Year : 2007
  • English Title : Landscape perception as a reflection of quality of life and social exclusion in rural areas: what does it mean in an expanded Europe
  • Published in Book : Open Space People Space
  • Abstract in English : Theis chapter explores the issues of life in rural areas in Scotland and Latvia, focusing on the problens of income, access to services and housing compared with the quality of the environment and the closeness to nature. It is based on original research carried out in rural areas.