Since February 2012, the chair of landscape architecture of the RWTH works as the
lead partner for the EU-financed project “LP3LP”. The study, conducted
together with the Université Libre de Bruxelles and Wageningen University,
aims at the creation of a landscape vision for the so-called “Three-Countries-Park” within the Aachen-Liège-Maastricht area.
Simultanesously, the study attempts to operationalize the principles of
the landscape vision within regional policy and to consider them
regarding the European scale.
Because of its blending of design and policy, the Three Countries Park
forms a new type within the existing range of ESPON projects. The
project is informed by existing stakeholder initiatives for the
cross-border region, which exist since 2001.
About 2 Million people of three different lingual backgrounds and a
variety of lifestyles and traditions inhabit the Three-Countries-Park.
The settlement structure of the region is polycentric, while its
landscapes are characterized by spatial heterogeneity and a richness of
cultural heritage. Set in this context, the project will specifically
look at cross border challenges, for example regarding ecological
structure, water management, agricultural use, recreational
infrastructure and built area ? and how these could develop in
synergetic ways.
Analysis within the first work phase covers various issues including
historical development, contemporary territorial dynamics, global
challenges and existing policies and strategies. The following work
phases will develop the landscape vision and subsequently consider its
regional and European dimension in the policy context. The project will
be disseminated to a broader audience with journal publications and
public events.
The chair of landscape architecture is looking forward to euregional cooperation with the project partners and stakeholders.
Additional information:
The abbreviation ESPON stands for “European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion”.
Ongoing stakeholder perspective for the Three Countries Park, since 2001:
- Title Original : Landscape Policies for the 3 Countries Park
- Website : http:///
- Project start : 2012
- Project end : 2014
- Contact Person : Matti Wirth
- Funding Agency : ESPON (EU)
- Project Partners : RWTH, Wageningen University, Université libre de Bruxelles
- Project structure : RWTH (lead partner)
Wageningen University (project partner)
Université libre de Bruxelles (project partner)
Province Limburg NL (lead stakeholder)
Provinces of Liège, Limburg BE, Städteregion Aachen and Stadt Aachen (other stakeholders) - Location : The Netherlands, Gulpen, lat : 50.812407000000000000 - lng : 5.894680999999991000