Leon Zelman Park


  • Area : 1,13
  • GPS X : 16.393315199999960000
  • GPS Y : 48.190903400000000000
  • Implementation end : 2013
  • Website : http://
  • Project Status : Completed Project
  • Ownership : Select Ownership...
  • Accessibility : Select Accessability...
  • Brief Description : The irregularly shaped, elongated park is designed as a series of clearly differentiated spaces: a sunny garden area on the Platz der Opfer der Deportation is ringed by a distinctive stand of old trees, which is followed by a grove. The park is located on the site of the old Aspang railway station, which was used from 1938 - 42 as a departure point for trains deporting people to Nazi concentration and extermination camps and demolished in 1977. Although the saplings are still growing , the geometric from of the grove is nevertheless clearly delineated by the ensemble of white trunks and supporting white stakes. After funnelling into a bottleneck, the park advances along a gentle upward slope with a green stretch of meadowland planted with a scattering of trees. A row of cypress oak along the promenade underscores the broad curve of the rise (Lička, L.;
    Grimm, K. (Hg.)
    (2015): nextland
    Zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur in Österreich. Birkhäuser, Basel,
  • Designer : Karl Grimm Landschaftsarchitekten