- GPS X : 16.280118399999992000
- GPS Y : 48.133799499999990000
- Implementation end : 2012
- Website : http://www.3zu0.com/urbanes/detail/geriatriezentrum-liesing.html
- Project Status : Completed Project
- Ownership : Select Ownership...
- Accessibility : Select Accessability...
- Brief Description : Border hedging around the whole area not only protects the private sphere, but also acts as a windscreen. In that way, it is hoped to provide ahigh quality green area to people with restricted mobility. Remaining space is covered with light-coloured resin-bonded gravel. The seamlessand plane surface is wheelchair-friendly. In between there is a flower bed with roses and shrubs as well as a bocce court for happy hours withfriends and family. Not far from there begin the castle gardens with their stock of wonderful old trees. A newly planted row of linden trees nextto the garage access road rounds up the green development concept.
Liesing Geriatric Centre offers three accessible atriums inside. Eachof these three courtyards has received its own concept. The westernatrium is dedicated to physiotherapy. Differently brushed concretesurfaces lie around like broken rocks which are linked together byramps and steps for exercising. The central atrium represents a tamed“wild” garden in which rectangular flower beds are filled with sugar-plum, viburnum and cornelian cherry. In the eastern atrium, the eyecan feast on classical, so-called topiaries. Here, yew, box and hollytrees are skilfully clipped to form ball topiaries (Czaja, W. (n.y.):
Liesing Geriatric Centre. Available in: http://www.3zu0.com).
- Designer : 3:0 Landschaftsarchitektur
- Location : Austria, Wien, lat : 48.133799499999990000 - lng : 16.280118399999992000 address : Perchtoldsdorfer Str. 6, 1230 Wien, Austria
- Project Name : Original : Liesing Nursing Home - Outdoor Areas
- Type : Hospital grounds, Hospital grounds