Life between the buildings

Gehl, J., 1986, Life between the buildings, The Danish Architectural press, Copenhagen

  • Author : Gehl, J.
  • Year : 1986
  • Title English : Life between the buildings
  • Publisher : The Danish Architectural press
  • Publisher's Location : Copenhagen
  • ISBN : 8774072838
  • Pages : 202
  • Abstract : OUTLINE: This book is on people’s use of public spaces in cities. It is an introduction to the interplay between public space design and social life. Opportunities for meetings and daily activities in the public spaces of a city or residential area enable one to be among, to see, and to hear others, to experience other people functioning in various situations. These modest "see and hear contacts" must be considered in relation to other forms of contact and as part of the whole range of social activities, from very simple and noncommittal contacts to complex and emotionally involved connections. The concept of varying degrees of contact intensity is the basis of the following simplified outline of various contact forms.
  • Comments : KEYWORDS: urban design, pedestrians, open space, streets, social life, plazas, people, use.