Limits, space and the specimen diversity of vegetation structure in city settlements

Abstract of goals:
-Urban space vegetation structure  and woody plant species analyse at selected town settlements,
-Recreational potential of urban green spaces at selected town settlements,
-Environmental impact on town settlements and on urban vegetation elements,
-Assessment of  urban impact  on woody vegetation by using of ecology-physiological markers (accumulation of alochtonous elements in leaves, leaf chlorophyll fluorescence),
-Urban soil property changes,
-Pest and disease impact on woody urban vegetation.

Abstract of achieved outcomes:
The dominant park and seminatural components in Nitra are City park(20ha, 47 woody species) Borina(10 ha, seminatural biotope), Castle hill (8 ha, seminatural biotope), Calvary (8 ha, forest-steppe). In housing estates Chrenová and Klokocina, thepark areas achieved 25-35m-2.hab.-1. Woody plant diversity is rather high, the 50 species, from those 30% alien, 10 speciesas invasive. Nitra city has medium immission impact but highest in traffic streets and crossings. It causes above limit accumulation of alochtonous elements in 8 woody species leaves, especially Ca,Mg,Na,K,Cu,Pb,Cl,NO3,SO4. Investigatedleaf chlorophyll fluorescence parameters (Fv/Fm) decreased under limit of physiological defect (limit=0,725). At city greenareas (park, housing estates) in urban soils was identified above limit compaction in bulk density (limit=1,, moistureand nutrient deficiency, immission load and pH changes. At woody species of 15 region towns (NSK) were identified 327 insect pests as reflection of vitality decreasing.
Within thre years research period, the 89 different category
publications were issued by research participants together, as papers
and contributions in scientific journals and proccedings.
From those 8 papers were published in international scientific journals registered in Web of Science and SCOPUS database.

  • Title Original : Limity, priestorová a druhová diverzita vegeta?ných ?truktúr mestských sídiel
  • Website :
  • Notes : The full content of reached results in this project including list of published outcoms are saved at funding agency (Ministry of Education of Slovak republic) and in database of head of project (Jan Supuka).
  • Project start : 2007
  • Project end : 2009
  • Contact Person : Jan Supuka
  • Funding Agency : VEGA, SR
  • Project Partners : Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Engineering, Faculty of Agrobiology and Food Resources, Technical Faculty - The all are as education staff of the Slovak University of Agriculture, Nitra
  • Project structure : 1. The project was full granted by Slovak Agency of Science at Ministry of Education of Slovakia,
    2. In project were participated 19 scientists and teachers from three Faculties of the Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra,
    3. According to Agency rules and instructions , participants were obligate to be published achieved results continually and documented them in final report.
  • Location : Slovakia, Nitra, lat : 48.307087900000000000 - lng : 18.093224999999960000 address : Trieda Andreja Hlinku 609/2, Slovenská Po?nohospodárska Univerzita V Nitre, 94901 Nitra-Chrenová, Slovakia
Image Title: Limits, space and the specimen diversity of vegetation structure in city settlements