Local parks and the health of older adults: the results of an exploratory

Payne, P., B. Orsega-Smith, G. Godbey & M. Roy, 1998, Local parks and the health of older adults: the results of an exploratory, in: Parks & recreation, 33, 10

  • Author : Payne, P., B. Orsega-Smith, G. Godbey & M. Roy
  • Year : 1998
  • Journal/Series : Parks & recreation
  • Volume Number (ANNUAL: Counting Volumes of the Year shown above) : 10
  • Volume Number (CONSECUTIVE: Counting all Volumes of this Journal ever published) : 33
  • Pages : 64-71
  • Abstract in English : This article is on the role of parks in older people's health. Public recreation and park agencies are well situated to play a larder part in maintaining and enhancing the health and wellness of the American public. Parks can contribute to people health especially the one of older people, but condition for that is not optimal. Many older people, especially those in urban areas, may be afraid to leave their homes to participate in physical activity. Promotion of parks as “safe havens” for enjoyable leisure activity may help overcome this constraint. Transportation is another common barrier to park use. Recreation and park agencies might consider partnerships with senior centres, assisted-living facilities, and other social service organisations to aid with transportation need.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: elderly, health, parks, park use, policy. UTILITY: lecturers/teachers, academic research, students of universities of professional education.