CABE Publ., 2006, Making contracts work for wildlife: how to encourage biodiversity in urban parks, Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (
- Author : CABE Publ.
- Year : 2006
- Pages : 63
- Publisher : Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (
- Abstract in English : From CABE´s homepage: Today, more than ever before, we understand that promoting biodiversity in our parks is not something that we can just leave to chance. Rather than letting nature take its course, parks need careful day-to-day management to deliver environments where nature can flourish. Making contracts work for wildlife advises green space professionals on how to make the most of the potential for biodiversity in our urban parks. And it shows how the commitment of individuals and employers can make the difference between failure and inspiring success.
- Comments/Notes : The publication is an advisory text with concomittant presetations of illustative case studies. Like all CABE publications this overview can be downloaded as a pdf. Location: