Brunson, M.W., 2000, Managing naturalness as a continuum: setting limits of acceptable change, in: Gobster, P.H. & R. B. Hull, ‘Restoring nature’, Island Press, Washington
- Author : Brunson, M.W.
- Year : 2000
- Published in Book : Restoring nature
- Pages : 229-244
- Abstract in English : This paper explores a concept that many readers might consider an oxymoron: the management of naturalness. One can easily argue that naturalness (a term that for most people implies the absence of human intervention in ecological processes) is antithetical to the manipulations of nature that we call management. Yet the author will argue that this apparent contradiction is an artefact of an outmoded and inherently distinction between human society and the natural word. If we see humans as part of nature rather than apart from nature, those behaviours that we call management can be modified to fit our idea about what is natural. Planning tools similar to the limits of acceptable change can be used to incorporate humans into natural area management and will be presented later in this paper as a means to help reduce conflict and sustain restore ecosystems.
- Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: urban forestry, nature conservation, naturalness.