‘Mapping and evaluation of Belgrade biotopes’

  • GPS X : 0.000000000000000000
  • GPS Y : 0.000000000000000000
  • Project start : 2006
  • Project end : 2007
  • Project Status : Select Status...
  • Client : City of Belgrade
  • Ownership : Select Ownership...
  • Accessibility : Select Accessability...
  • Project Team : Representatives of Town Planning Institute, Faculty of Biology, Faculty of Forestry and Institute of Nature Protection
  • Brief Description : Project ‘Mapping And Evaluation Of Belgrade Biotopes’ is one of the first steps towards realization of Belgrade planning strategy based on principles of sustainable development. By biotope mapping, the present state and conditions of biotic and abiotic environment were highlighted and evaluated. The main objective of the project was to preserve habitat diversity and biodiversity, and multiplicity of the typical elements of townscape, functional linking of the built structures in existent ecosystems, contributing to the increase of nature perception and nearby recreational areas, etc.
    The map of Belgrade biotopes is a unique source of baseline information on presence and spatial distribution of all biotope subtypes within the city territory supported by Geographic Information System (GIS–Map Info and Access). The results of the representative groups’ evaluation highlight the significance of the example biotopes (habitats) present in the Belgrade area, and various flora and fauna species connected to them. The preservation of habitat and species variety, their presence and distribution, was the key issue of evaluation. The output results are presented on a by various topical maps (the map of soil porosity, the map of ruderal vegetation, the map of wetlands etc.).
    The project results are an important source of baseline information to be used in guiding urban planning towards preservation of ecological processes, i.e. harmonizing with the principles of sustainable development. Information base is also crucial for the SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) of urban plans and projects and its environmental impact. The possibility of European Landscape Convention implementation in the planning process is an additional benefit of the project results.
  • Designer : Town Planning Institute
  • Project Name : Original : ’Kartiranje i vrednovanje biotopa Beograda’
  • Type : Land art
  • Image Title : Belgrade biotopes
Image Title: ‘Mapping and evaluation of Belgrade biotopes’Image Title: ‘Mapping and evaluation of Belgrade biotopes’Image Title: ‘Mapping and evaluation of Belgrade biotopes’Image Title: ‘Mapping and evaluation of Belgrade biotopes’