Mediaeval roads and tracks

Hindle, P., 1998, Mediaeval roads and tracks, Shire Publications, Princes Risborough

  • Author : Hindle, P.
  • Year : 1998
  • Title English : Mediaeval roads and tracks
  • Publisher : Shire Publications
  • Publisher's Location : Princes Risborough
  • ISBN : 978-0747803904
  • Pages : 64
  • Edition : Third Edition
  • Abstract : Medieval Roads" opens with a chapter on travel in medieval times, and quickly and thoroughly makes the case that there was far more of it than we nowadays imagine. Included are such tidbits as that English place names containing "gate" come usually not from "gate" as we now understand the word but rather from "gate" in old Danish, where it meant "road". Gives different meaning to "twelve gates to the city", doesn't it? The author notes also the familiar: "Then longen folk to goon on pilgrimages . . . And Specially from every shires ende Of Engelond to Canterbury they wende . . ." and points out that "Chaucer . . . takes it for granted that his readers know the road [taken in the "Tales"], and he never mentions any difficulty of travel." Indeed not, though he does make mention of roadhouses and Inns of the sort which everywhere supported (and were in turn supported by) travelers. But that's another subject, not covered by the book at hand. 48 illustrations (maps, pictures); discussion of documentary evidence, map evidence, and archaeological evidence; bibliography. From: