Mental health and nature: gardening, recovery and social citizenship

Parr, H., 2005, Mental health and nature: gardening, recovery and social citizenship, in: Gallis, C.T., ‘Forests, trees, and human health and well-being’, Siokis, Thessaloniki

  • Author : Parr, H.
  • Year : 2005
  • Published in Book : Forests, trees, and human health and well-being
  • Pages : 139-149
  • Abstract in English : In this paper the powerful relations between mental health and nature are explored with references to past asylum horticultural practices and contemporary community gardening schemes for people with mental health problems in the UK. In this paper the author is dealing with to basic points of community gardening. It is suggested that (a.) community gardening helps people with severe mental health problems recover from both illness experiences and ill identities in socially beneficial ways and (b.) particular types of community gardening experiences seem to be valued over others by founders as result of particular and current rhetoric about social inclusion in the UK. It is conclude that gardening for health has clear therapeutic and social benefits for vulnerable groups like people with severe and enduring mental health problems. Interaction with nature brings not only perceived senses of recovery and well being in individual psychological terms, but there is also evidence that social recovery might be effected as collectively community gardening projects help to rework negatively ascribes citizenship status.
  • Comments/Notes : KEYWORDS: garden therapy, community gardening, health, well being.