Ribas, M., 1994, Mental images and real landscape, in: ECLAS (A. Aspinall & S. Filor), ‘The local context in landscape teaching and research’, ,
- Author : Ribas, M.
- Year : 1994
- Published in Book : The local context in landscape teaching and research
- Pages : 86-89
- Abstract in English : This paper is simply aimed at drawing attention to an educational requirement that may seem anecdotal, but which I have always considered to be of utmost importance. I do not believe that a landscape studio can possibly provide good training unless a site is accessible and can be visited easily. More precisely, an academic exercise loses considerable impact if the site is a long way away or unreal. This is because it is not enough to teach the creation of structures and forms just on paper or as scale models; you have to be able to imagine them in situ. One always, therefore, has to "check out" the drawings directly on the actual site they have been designed for - an imaginatively created "virtual image" based on actually seeing the site from several points of view. Obviously "checking it out" is not possible if the study proposed is in a place that does not exist, or is a long way away. I am convinced that this kind of working method is essential to train professional people who have to be conscious of real life and the social group for whom they will be working. True, the most talented and creative people scarcely need it, and light supervision of the student's work would probably be good enough. Good educational practice is, however, vital for the average student and, above all, to set the less talented on the right track or to bring them back on course.