Master’s thesis deals with inundant area on the right Danube riverfront, among Old bridge and Danube’s channel Zuzana. The goal was to propose the concept of territory, which will meet not only the function of recreation in the natural environment, but also to raise environmental awareness of young people and adults through educational paths, educational programs, to build community and social relations among the population through programs and events for families, elderly, youth and other groups, and to improve the health status of citizens through programs of walking, running, and cycling routes.
- English Title : danube's river bank, bratislava
- University : Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava - Faculty of Architecture, SK
- Project was done for Course Unit : diplomova praca ( diploma project )
- Coordinates - Longitude: : 0.000000000000000000
- Coordinates - Latitude: : 0.000000000000000000
- Academic Year : 2007 / 08
- City : Bratislava
- Project Language : Slovak
- Supervisor : prof. Gal, doc. Belcakova, Ing. Putrova
- Location of project : Slovak Republic
- Image Title : project poster