"La Boca", one of the many Buenos Aires neighbourhood quite known for its Football team and a must for the national and international tourism has one of the lowest rates of green area per inhabitant in the city (1,5 m2/inh). In 2000 some NGOs and neighbours asked the government to allocate a former railway yard as a park.In 2002 a popular legislative initiative was presented to the local authorities in this direction.
- Area : 4
- GPS X : -58.367292881011960000
- GPS Y : -34.632254507534746000
- Project start : 2004
- Project end : 2005
- Implementation start : 2005
- Implementation end : 2006
- Website : http://www.vecinosdeirala.freeservers.com/parque.htm
- Project Status : Completed Project
- Client : Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires
- Ownership : Public
- Accessibility : Unrestricted areas
- Project Team : ng. Agr. Jorge Fiorentino (forestación), Lic. Iván Hurovich (comunicación comunitaria), Téc. Jard. Jorge Freitas (forestación), Arq. Maia Benevicius (documentación), Ing. Agr. Martín Groppa (riego), Téc. Hidr. Peter Schroeter (fuente y estanque), Arq. Miriam Diner (documentación)
- Brief Description : First park to be planted only with indigenous vegetation in Buenos Aires city.
First park to be design by the people using a process of participative design it came up as a popular legislative iniatiative.
Located in the international famous neighborhood of "La Boca" this park was the first to be built in this area of the city. - Designer : Programa de Diseño Participativo C.A.B.A.
- Location : Argentina, Buenos Aires, lat : -34.632254507534746000 - lng : -58.367292881011960000 address : Irala 302-400, Buenos Aires, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Project Name : Original : Parque de Flora Nativa "Benito Quinquela Martin"
- Type : Parks
- Image Title : Aerial view of Benito Quinquela Martin Park