Gallacher, P., 2004, Nothing special? The challenge of neighbourhood space, in: OPENspace, ‘Open space, people space’, OPENspace, Edinburgh
- Author : Gallacher, P.
- Year : 2004
- Published in Book : Open space, people space
- Abstract in English : The public space of neighbourhoods merits equal if not greater care than that currently being lavished on the urban cores. Good neighbourhood space is not only a matter of resources, will or design ambition, here the issues are much more subtle. The paper has several aims: To briefly describe a particular project, the 5 Spaces, which was ahead of its time in embracing the challenge of neighbourhood public space. To sketch out a subsequent evaluation and the issues it raised for neighbourhood interventions. To describe a project currently in process, which attempts to apply some of the insights gained. To postulate a new type of facilitation, arising out of the stance permitted by the current work, which embraces the manifold and sometimes contradictory forces at work in the design and delivery of urban space, in the service of a wider, democratic agenda.
- Outline in English : KEYWORDS: wayfinding, signs, visitor information, countryside recreation, evaluation toolkit. [paper 7 p.]