- Area : 0,089
- GPS X : 16.480166999999938000
- GPS Y : 48.218361300000000000
- Implementation end : 2007
- Website : http://
- Project Status : Completed Project
- Ownership : Select Ownership...
- Accessibility : Select Accessability...
- Brief Description : Clear boundaries define the outdoor space for the "obdo" residential building designed by pool Architekten. The layout of the access paths running through the area called for a strict yet restrained design. The paths run in curving lines away from the flats ont he ground floor and create circular or elliptical shapes in the inner courtyard. These spaces are surfaced with different materials and serve a variety of functions. Grasses are used to create dense structures in front of the windows, while the areas further away from the building are earmarked for play and relaxation (Meinharter, E. (2015): nextland Zeitgenössische Landschaftsarchitektur in Österreich. Birkhäuser, Basel, A31).
- Designer : M+Z Landschaftsarchitektur
- Location : Austria, Wien, lat : 48.218361300000000000 - lng : 16.480166999999938000 address : Oberdorfstraße 9, 1220 Wien, Austria
- Project Name : Original : obdo Apartments Outdoor Area, Oberdorfstrasse
- Type : Residential homes, Residential homes