Open Space: People Space

Ward Thompson, Catharine and Travou, Penny, 2007, Open Space: People Space, Routledge, Abingdon, UK

  • Author : Ward Thompson, Catharine and Travou, Penny
  • Year : 2007
  • Title English : Open Space: People Space
  • Publisher : Routledge
  • Publisher's Location : Abingdon, UK
  • ISBN : 978-0-415-41534-7
  • Pages : 218
  • Edition : 1st
  • Abstract : This publication arose from OPENspace's first conference, hosted in Edinburgh in 2004, acclaimed as the first of its kind to cover inclusive planning and design of outdoor environments for an international academic and policy-maker audience. Laurie Olin, an international leader in landscape architecture, highlights Ward Thompson's work in his Foreword. The book also contains outside contributions of the highest order from experts such as Terry Hartig, Robin Moore and Ken Worpole.
  • Comments : Demand for more led to OPENspace hosting another conference in 2007.
  • Outline : This publication arose from OPENspace's first conference, hosted in Edinburgh in 2004, acclaimed as the first of its kind to cover inclusive planning and design of outdoor environments for an international academic and policy-maker audience. Laurie Olin, an international leader in landscape architecture, highlights Ward Thompson's work in his Foreword. The book also contains outside contributions of the highest order from experts such as Terry Hartig, Robin Moore and Ken Worpole.